The campaign to adopt the Medical Cannabis Organ Transplant Act (MCOTA) involves building an effective health care and patient-based coalition of supporters, organizing statewide grassroots support, and mounting an effective advocacy campaign with lawmakers and the Governor. This process will start in May of 2014 with new part-time staff in California to work with ASA California Director Don Duncan. Mr. Duncan will complete a campaign plan based on projected funding this summer. By the end of the year, the campaign will have: (1) created printed, online, and video materials promoting the MCOTA, (2) established a coalition of healthcare and patient-oriented organizations to endorse the bill, (3) recruited and trained patient-spokespeople, (4) identified likely supporters and champions in the legislature, (5) secured an Author, and (6) identified strategic districts and local leaders for community-based support.

The MCOTA will be introduced by the Author in January of 2015. ASA will launch a simultaneous district-specific grassroots campaign (based on relevant policy committee membership) and public relations campaign. After the bill is approved in its house of origin, ASA will make the MCOTA a key element in a citizen lobby day in the State Capitol. The California Director will work with allies, champions, party leaders, and the Governor to build support for the bill and highlight the broad public support. The bill will be adopted and signed by the Governor in by the fall of 2015.