What Does the DEA say About Marijuana?
The following are citations from Drug Enforcement Administration. Denial of Petition To Initiate Proceedings To Reschedule Marijuana.

ASA: Medical Cannabis Policy Update
Designed for national policymakers, ASA's Medical Cannabis Update keeps you informed about the rapid development of medical cannabis law and public policy.

CRS Report for Congress
The issue before Congress is whether to continue the federal prosecution of medical marijuana patients and their providers, in accordance with the federal Controlled Substances Act, or whether to relax federal marijuana prohibition enough to permit the medicinal use of botanical cannabis products when recommended by a physician, especially where permitted under state law. Updated April 2, 2010

AIDS Action Medical Cannabis Position Statement
People living with HIV/AIDS have long used cannabis as an aid to help them with symptoms of HIV related illnesses ranging from wasting and loss of appetite to adherence to medications. The anti-emetic and analgesic properties of cannabis have been particularly useful to HIV/AIDS patients. Consequently, it is estimated that as many as 1 in 4 AIDS patients are using cannabis for medical purposes. AIDS Action and many members of the HIV/AIDS community have long supported the ability of patients to use cannabis for medical purposes along with research on such use of cannabis.

Medical Marijuana Policy Recommendations for President Barack H. Obama
ASA's policy recommendations for President Obama and his Administration

Judiciary Committee Chairman Conyers Opposes DEA Tactics
ASA Government Affairs Director Caren Woodson has been talking to House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers' (D-MI) staff and other Democratic leadership to encourage them to oppose DEA tactics and stand up for patients in states where medical cannabis is legal. On December 7, 2007 Chairman Conyers issued at a statement deploring DEA actions. Then on April 29, 2008 Chairman Conyers sent a letter to DEA Director Michele Leonhart demanding an explanation of DEA tactics by July 1, 2008.
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